We are a coalition of high-powered volunteers

affiliated with science institutes, top consulting firms, tech companies, media protection organizations, advocacy groups, public health organizations, national security groups and some bad ass Navy vets — from Silicon Valley to Washington DC.

We collected a list of hundreds of high-risk Afghans, have helped hundreds of people evacuate and continue to focus on the most vulnerable. We work with outspoken women, creatives and scholars (scientists, filmmakers, journalists, activists) and their families who largely don't have US visas.  

TFS Airlift is a project of The Co-Caring Initiative, which is growing a dynamic, innovative network of caring leaders dedicated to working together to support vulnerable groups such as women, immigrants and low-wage labor in the U.S. in partnership with others.

Our mission is to create a world that is connected, well-cared for and vital.


[T]he Free Speech Airlift... is trying to relocate outspoken women, journalists, artists and scholars at risk.

-The Washington Post


Our first successful evacuation, a USA Today journalist - USA Today (in-depth coverage)

Our Ukraine flight evacuated 270 people on Aug 27 - The Globe

Ops lead, Alex Cornell Du Houx on Fox News and his USA Today Op-Ed

Wash DC portion of our origin story in Wall Street Journal